Navigate Divorce Assets with Trusted Legal Guidance

Divorce is a time of significant upheaval and emotional stress, particularly when it comes to dividing marital property. At the Law Office of Richard Hughes, we bring our extensive knowledge of Texas property division laws and a commitment to personalized service to help you navigate this complex process. Located in Tyler, Texas, we are dedicated to ensuring a fair and equitable division of your assets.

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Your Advocate in Property Division Matters

Dividing assets in a divorce involves more than simply splitting everything down the middle. It's a complex process that considers numerous factors, including the length of the marriage, individual earning capacities, separate property, and more.

Our experienced team is adept at handling these issues and more. We are committed to ensuring you receive a fair settlement, whether your divorce is amicable or contested.

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Comprehensive Property Division Services

Our legal services for property division during divorce include:

Asset & Debt Evaluation

We assist in identifying, categorizing, and valuing all marital property and debt.

Post-Divorce Modifications

We can assist with modifications to the division agreement due to significant changes in circumstances.



If an agreement cannot be reached, we're prepared to advocate fiercely for your interests in court.

Negotiation & Mediation

We aim to achieve an equitable division through peaceful negotiation or mediation, minimizing the stress of courtroom battles.

Trust the Law Office of Richard Hughes

The Law Office of Richard Hughes brings years of experience, an in-depth understanding of Texas divorce laws, and a commitment to securing your financial future. Our approach is empathetic and personalized, aiming to ease your burden during this challenging time.

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Take Control of Your Financial Future Today

When it comes to dividing marital assets, you deserve a lawyer who will fight for your rights and work towards a fair settlement. Let the Law Office of Richard Hughes guide you through the complexities of property division during divorce.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We are ready to understand your situation, answer your questions, and provide the legal support you need.

Ensure your financial security with a trusted property division lawyer in Tyler, Texas. Choose the Law Office of Richard Hughes – your advocate in divorce asset division.